A Letter From Pastor Jay Gross
Dear Church Family,
It has been the greatest joy and privilege for me to serve as your Senior Pastor for over half of my ministry career. This truly is our home, and you are our family. After much prayer and heart searching, Dianna and I both feel the Lord is leading us into the next season of our lives. Therefore, I am giving notice of my plans for retirement effective June 1, 2023.
We have been considering this for some time, recognizing that this stage of our lives and ministry would be coming to a close. The only question for us was what the best timing would be. We believe this is God’s answer for us.
God has amazing plans for this great church. You can know that Dianna and I will continue to pray for West Conroe every day and support its ministry, growth, and impact for Christ.
With my deepest love and appreciation,
Your Pastor and Friend,
James T. Gross
Next Steps in our Pastor Search and Transition
- January 29, 2023 - Ballots were distributed church-wide for prayerful consideration of Pastoral Search Committee nominations
- January: The Personnel Committee met to review Church By-Laws and Policies related to the Interim period before the next Senior Pastor is called to WCBC. The Personnel Committee is tasked with searching, interviewing, and bringing an Interim Pastor candidate to the church body.
- February 5, 2023 - Special called business meeting during the 8am and 11am services to collect ballots. Ballots can only be counted for church members who are present during this business meeting.
- February 2023 - The Network Service Committee will meet to review all nominations and verify church membership. The Network Service Committee will then present a final list of nominees for the church body to vote on that will make up the Pastoral Search Committee.
- February: The Personnel Committee have contacted several possible candidates and begun the process of scheduling interviews.
- Sunday, March 19 – Town Hall meeting at 6:00pm in the Chapel to meet with Personnel Committee and Executive Staff to answer questions about interim pastor candidate.
- Wednesday, March 22 – Town Hall meeting at 6:00pm in the Chapel with Personnel Committee and Executive Staff and a meet & greet with Dr. Jeff Lynn, Interim Pastor Candidate.
- Sunday, Marcy 26 – Dr. Jeff Lynn will preach in both services. A special called business meeting will be held after each service for a vote.
- Sunday, April 2 – Network Service Committee presents candidates for the Pastor Search Committee at 6:00pm in the Chapel.
- Pastor Search Committee was voted on and the members are as follows:
Stan Blossom, Chairman
Brett Redman, Co-Chair
Stephen Eenigenburg, Secretary
Vernon Luning, Alternate
Jeanine Jackson
Ilyn Marinero
Sara Cummins
Denise Crabtree, Alternate