WC Kids Preschool Ministry
In the WC Kids Preschool Ministry, we are passionate about communicating the truth of the gospel in age-appropriate ways. We provide a fun, safe environment for your preschooler where they will learn that God loves them, God made them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Infants are taught through their care that Jesus loves them and so do we! Toddlers - Pre-K learn about God through play and Bible stories during small group time. They also learn to worship in fun and engaging ways during large group time.

Classes for infants through PreK are offered at 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM in the Preschool Ministry (Building “C”) each Sunday.
We support our WC Kids Preschool families in-person and online, with Sunday worship for preschoolers posted to our WC Kids Families Facebook each week.

As a first time guest, you will be asked to fill out an information card on your family, so we can place each child in an age-appropriate class and be made aware of allergies or medical needs.
After filling out the card, each child will be given a name tag with a security number printed on it. A copy of the number will be given to the adult bringing the child in order to pick up and we will escort you to your child’s classroom. The security numbers are matched at the end of the service for pick up, for the safety of each child.